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لقد سعيت، مؤخّرا، إلى اكتشاف مؤلفات رشيد ميموني، أحد أهمّ الكتّاب الجزائريين، الذي بدأ مشوراه أثناء مرحلة مفصلية من الحياة السياسية والنشاط الثقافي لبلدنا وهي نهاية حقبة السبعينيات و بداية الثمانيات التي شهدت ما اعتبره البعض انفتاحا سياسيّا، رغم أنّ تلك...

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Tag(s) : #Arabe

Of the Farm is a short novel that can surely constitute a good introduction to the style and fictional world of John Updike, one of the major American writers whose works have covered the second half of the 20th century, depicting the great transformations...

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Tag(s) : #English

Death in the Andes (published in 1993) is the second novel by Mario Vargas LIosa that I have read, and it’s the book which made me aware of the talent and the importance of this Peruvian writer in world literature where he distinguished himself as one...

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Tag(s) : #English

Compassion is a necessary feeling in society, especially to assist the needy, or people in precarious situation, the victims of hazards of life, of diseases, etc. However, compassion should not become the motor of society and its permanent way of working,...

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Tag(s) : #English

I’m glad that I have discovered Carlos Fuentes thought a relatively recent book: Happy Families (2006) because besides urging me to discover his previous great works, this collection of short stories enabled me to discover a less known aspect of this...

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Tag(s) : #English

Among the various Algerian artists who distinguished themselves in fusion style two famous name often come to minds: the band Gnawa Diffusion and Rachid Taha. The first word I associate with Rachid Taha is “audacious”. This term may sound overused but...

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Tag(s) : #English

Je suis depuis assez longtemps le parcours de Bruce Springsteen, une figure emblématique du rock dont il a su saisir la quintessence brute tout en élaborant des mélodies profondes qui correspondent parfaitement à ses textes ciselés, qui dépeignent souvent...

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Tag(s) : #Musique

La ferme est un court roman qui peut assurément faire découvrir et aimer le style et l’univers romanesque de John Updike, l’un des écrivains américains majeurs ayant couvert en grande partie la période de la seconde moitié du 20e siècle, en décrivant...

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Tag(s) : #Littérature

Ayant consacré plusieurs articles à la musique amazighe africaine, je voyais qu’il était impératif de me pencher sur Tinariwen, grand groupe de music touareg qui a déjà reçu un accueil très favorable de par le monde, et qui gagne, je pense, à être connu...

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Tag(s) : #Musique